Sunday, September 16, 2012

Final Assignment: How to make a peanut butter and jelly snadwich

I have taken 10+ photos of the ingredients and process of making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. These photos will be located on my blog and will act as a prompt for my students to write a "How to" essay that will focus on the following literacy learning targets.

  • Writes multi-paragraph compositions that uses correct indentation and provides an inviting introductory paragraph and concludes with a paragraph that summarizes the point (Sentences/paragraphs).
  •  Present important ideas or events in sequence or chronological order (Sequence/Beginning, Middle, End).
The lesson will go as follows
  1. As a class introduce the first image. Ask the kids in small groups to talk about the steps it takes to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Allow time for discussion and then for them to describe the steps.
  2. Once discussion has waned, look through the rest of the images, allowing students to see the number of steps that are really involved.
  3. Ask the students why the whiteboard only changes its words a few times
    • The whiteboard's information represents the paragraph or the very important idea.
  4. Ask the kids would it make sense if we listed the steps out of order or skipped some of the information? How important is the sequence and details?
  5. Assign students to pre write their "How to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich" essay. They may use the images online to refer back to the sequence and details.
This exercise will allow my students to focus on the structure and sequence of their writing while while not necessarily worrying about the topic. Using the images will allow my developing language learners to have a visual reference to our writing prompt rather than just text projected onto the screen. 

Other possible activities I could do is have the kids group the pictures into sequential order.

Images to be used.