Monday, July 23, 2012

Assignment #1: Blogging in the Classroom

Blogging in the classroom has many possibilities for teachers and students. As a teacher I find blogging could be a brand new web presence for myself and tool for communication between myself and my community. Rather than a traditional static web page that is one diminitial, a blog could be a more dynamic interactive experience for the community I serve. A post can be created by myself and replied to from parents or students. Questions could be asked and clarification can be offered. Blogging can truly offer an online conversation between myself and my class.

I also see the value of using blogs with students as an outlet for their writing. When I was in elementary school everyday we wrote in our journals. Blogs offer the exact same opportunity but for the 21st century learner. Blogging can offer an outlet for my students to express themselves in a safe environment where I can read and comment back. I would like to offer blogging as an option for students to keep their "online" journals. I would hesitate to require all students use a blog due to COPPA and parental permission issues, but would highly encourage all students to keep their journals in a blog.

Blogging also offers up the opportunity for students to use the internet responsibility. Internet responsibility has become an important issue as the internet has become a tool for learning. ISTE's NETS for students state that students should "Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible 
use of information and technology" There is no better way to allow students the opportunity to make the right choice using tools such as a blog in class for themselves. I would use blogs with my students as a tool for their writing while acting as a means to demonstrate ethical and appropitate behavior.      

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