Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Assignment #6: 5 Blogs

Blog #1: http://coconnections.wonecks.net/

I liked the design of this blog. There was a lot going on but this blog's layout is not overwhelming. There is just a lot to see and do. I also appreciate the use of multimedia. I love being able to click and watch. Embedding content is a a great means to deliver information. Within her blog's pages are some great online resources too.

Blog #2: http://missblessings.edublogs.org/

This blog was a little plain. The header image seems a bit blurry and the yellow text in the upper right hand side felt like it was in the way of the image. I do like that this blog is less nosey than other blogs I have seen, but almost to a fault. The colors and the linear layout could use a little something else. Something to spice it up. The images and just placed in a row. As a user I did not feel like spending any extra time at this blog.

Blog #3: http://blogs.bcbe.org/jrhodus/

Mr. Rhodus' grabbed my attention at first, but as I scrolled down my attention waned. Once again the linear layout could not keep my attention. I just did not feel like scrolling down any further. I realize that a blog is a means to keep a record or journal of a time period, but as that scroll bar grows my interest does not. I think I would start to archive my blog in someway. Creating pages may be a solution. This blog did have an archives pages but it does not seem to work. This blog also did not have much to read. There was a lack of content in terms of text. Lastly this blogs seems to have two points of view. Meet the Teacher Day and Ferraris.

Blog #4: http://thompson67.edublogs.org/

I liked the name of this blog. Room 13. Very catchy and to the point. I liked the layout but the author seems to have some trouble. Perhaps it is because I am viewing his blog through Google's Chrome. Some of the text overlaps and some of the images blog others. I love the multimedia options and he has a clear point of view. I can see how an author could start to present multiple points of view in a blog, but when someone is using a blog as a professional tool or resource they really need to stick to what they intended their blog to be for their audience.

Blog #5: http://ilgunas.edublogs.org/

This blog is the online presence for a technology teacher. He seems to have gone a bit page crazy and there are really to many buttons to other pages at the top of his blog. I did like his resource links on the right hand side. A quick way to get students to a webpage. I did not like how different fonts and text sizes were used throughout. I like one font. It is easier on my eyes. There was also a broken image. That really takes away from the overall quality of the blog. Check your images and links often.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Assignment #5: Linking to Web Resources

Outside of my life as a teacher I enjoy many other activities, interests and passions. My number one activity of choice is golf. I love the idea of a sport that is truly me against myself. No matter how well the other players do, my outcome is always dependent on how I am playing. To better my game and keep me aware of what I need to do I often visit the Golf Channel's Tips, Lessons and Instruction. This collection of videos and user comments are very helpful to help correct my swing. I also enjoy keeping up with how the PGA pros are doing. ESPN Golf is a the best way to do that.

Fall is the season when I am getting my classroom back together and welcome my new students. It is also the time of year when I coach my 7 and 5 year olds soccer team. Having never played soccer a day in my life I rely on different web sites to help guide my soccer practices and lesson that I teach. Professional Soccer Coaching.com has been a great website to help me learn, practice and teach kids how to become better soccer players. My daughter has recently begun to play U8 soccer so I am exploring U8 soccer drills and techniques. These sites and more have made me a better coach. Or at lease makes me appear to be a better coach

When I have a free moment online I like to check out what Julian Smith is up to. Julian Smith is a film maker who does primarily web videos. He is hilarious but always has a story worth seeing. I am constantly wondering when he will be hitting the big screen.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Assignment #4: Adding Images

One of my jobs functions is to help support the use of digital cameras with other grade levels. This is very easy to do with older students seeing as they probably use cameras at home. But the little ones need step by step instruction and expectations.

These pictures are ones I use with 1st graders when we begin to learn how to use a digital camera. One frame at a time I introduce them to the cameras they will soon be using. Each picture points out a new function, action or use they need to know. Students will see everything before they can actually use a camera.

This activity always does exactly what I need it to do. The first graders do not worry about how to use their camera, they become more focused on taking good pictures. They know how to turn them on, choose the proper settings and everything else that they need to know.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Assignment #3: Third Entry

So far so good. I am learning a lot about the functions and abilities Blogger can offer any user. I wish there were more gadgets to choose from. But it looks like I can copy and paste HTML code from different resources to be added into my blog. I think that once I find a perfect look for my blog I would like to spend less time on layout and more time on content. I think that if I were to be choosing a new template every other week I would through my viewers off. Now, how to find and create the perfect layout....