Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Assignment #5: Linking to Web Resources

Outside of my life as a teacher I enjoy many other activities, interests and passions. My number one activity of choice is golf. I love the idea of a sport that is truly me against myself. No matter how well the other players do, my outcome is always dependent on how I am playing. To better my game and keep me aware of what I need to do I often visit the Golf Channel's Tips, Lessons and Instruction. This collection of videos and user comments are very helpful to help correct my swing. I also enjoy keeping up with how the PGA pros are doing. ESPN Golf is a the best way to do that.

Fall is the season when I am getting my classroom back together and welcome my new students. It is also the time of year when I coach my 7 and 5 year olds soccer team. Having never played soccer a day in my life I rely on different web sites to help guide my soccer practices and lesson that I teach. Professional Soccer has been a great website to help me learn, practice and teach kids how to become better soccer players. My daughter has recently begun to play U8 soccer so I am exploring U8 soccer drills and techniques. These sites and more have made me a better coach. Or at lease makes me appear to be a better coach

When I have a free moment online I like to check out what Julian Smith is up to. Julian Smith is a film maker who does primarily web videos. He is hilarious but always has a story worth seeing. I am constantly wondering when he will be hitting the big screen.

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