Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Assignment #6: 5 Blogs

Blog #1: http://coconnections.wonecks.net/

I liked the design of this blog. There was a lot going on but this blog's layout is not overwhelming. There is just a lot to see and do. I also appreciate the use of multimedia. I love being able to click and watch. Embedding content is a a great means to deliver information. Within her blog's pages are some great online resources too.

Blog #2: http://missblessings.edublogs.org/

This blog was a little plain. The header image seems a bit blurry and the yellow text in the upper right hand side felt like it was in the way of the image. I do like that this blog is less nosey than other blogs I have seen, but almost to a fault. The colors and the linear layout could use a little something else. Something to spice it up. The images and just placed in a row. As a user I did not feel like spending any extra time at this blog.

Blog #3: http://blogs.bcbe.org/jrhodus/

Mr. Rhodus' grabbed my attention at first, but as I scrolled down my attention waned. Once again the linear layout could not keep my attention. I just did not feel like scrolling down any further. I realize that a blog is a means to keep a record or journal of a time period, but as that scroll bar grows my interest does not. I think I would start to archive my blog in someway. Creating pages may be a solution. This blog did have an archives pages but it does not seem to work. This blog also did not have much to read. There was a lack of content in terms of text. Lastly this blogs seems to have two points of view. Meet the Teacher Day and Ferraris.

Blog #4: http://thompson67.edublogs.org/

I liked the name of this blog. Room 13. Very catchy and to the point. I liked the layout but the author seems to have some trouble. Perhaps it is because I am viewing his blog through Google's Chrome. Some of the text overlaps and some of the images blog others. I love the multimedia options and he has a clear point of view. I can see how an author could start to present multiple points of view in a blog, but when someone is using a blog as a professional tool or resource they really need to stick to what they intended their blog to be for their audience.

Blog #5: http://ilgunas.edublogs.org/

This blog is the online presence for a technology teacher. He seems to have gone a bit page crazy and there are really to many buttons to other pages at the top of his blog. I did like his resource links on the right hand side. A quick way to get students to a webpage. I did not like how different fonts and text sizes were used throughout. I like one font. It is easier on my eyes. There was also a broken image. That really takes away from the overall quality of the blog. Check your images and links often.

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